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How To Order

  • View products listed at our online store. Find something interested, select color/size & click "Add to Cart".
  • You will be guided to your order summary. Select the delivery option required.
  • Once selected, you will be headed straight to the send order form.
  • Fill in the form with the required fields. No personal data required here.
  • Once finished, click "Send in Orders" and your orders is sent! Please check your email inbox for your order copy.

General Notes:

By clicking "Add to Cart", you have understood & read in full the products offered. Colour or colour combo for products might be slightly different due to screen resolution, product photography etc. We ensure you that the product listed is genuine as described.

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Q. How do purchase my order on the site?

To order your purchase :-
  1. Click “Add to cart” button on the products you wish to purchase. 
  2. Click “Continue Shopping” to continue add other products into the cart or click “Checkout” to proceed your payment for the products. 
  3. You'll need to confirm your shipping address on the “ Order form” and click “Send Order” button. 
  4. After the steps before this have been done, You need to reconfirm your billing details and agree on the terms and condition. 
  5. Click “Confirm Order” to complete the order.

Q. What are the payment methods available?

MyGadgetStyle customers can purchase using PayPal

What is actually PayPal?

With PayPal you can send funds to anyone with an e-mail address, whether or not they have a PayPal account. To receive the funds, though, the recipient must have a PayPal account associated with that e-mail address. Basic PayPal accounts are free, and many financial transactions are free as well, including all purchases from merchants that accept payments using PayPal.
If you have a PayPal account, you can add and withdraw funds in many different ways. You can associate your account with bank accounts or credit cards for more direct transactions, including adding and withdrawing money. Other withdrawal options include using a PayPal debit card to make purchases or get cash from an ATM, or requesting a check in the mail.

How PayPal works?

Processes of PayPal
Below is a figure that simplifies how PayPal works with online merchants ( First, while shopping online, a PayPal account holder must choose PayPal at the checkout/payment page. Once selecting the PayPal option, the account holder can either use their PayPal account or a debit/credit card for the purchase. The specified payment method is then sent securely to the PayPal holder's account. The option is also given for an account holder to transfer funds to and from the PayPal account and primary bank account. Once this transaction has been approved, the payment process is complete.

The next figure shows how PayPal is the middle man between the buyer and seller online ( As the graphic indicates, PayPal can act as a middle man between buyers and sellers. PayPal can be used to transfer a payment from the buyer's account to the seller's account. For the seller, this then can be used for further sales or for transfer to their primary bank account.

PayPal Accounts

There are three main account types in PayPal, a personal account, a premier account and the third is a business account. The first, a personal account, is mainly for users who shop online and prefer not to give out their credit/debit card information. This particular account is free to sign up. The second, the premier account, is for individuals who do some selling online and would need to have funds deposited into their account. The last account type is for business use. It allows the company to create a merchant account and accepts all types of payments. PayPal charges a low transaction fee across all types of accounts when money is deposited or a payment is made.

Q. What is the product's transaction currency?

All products transaction currency will be done in MYR.

Q. How long does the delivery usually takes?

Delivery usually will takes about 2 to 4 days

Q. I still have doubts!

Sorry that we're unable to clear your doubts in the F.A.Q page. Please kindly send us an email to for us to clear your doubts.